Scott Coxhead


Weapon - Nyan Cat Redeemer
A collaboration with Azurescorch and Bi()ha2ard

Nyan Cat Redeemer Preview

PC Download for Nyan Cat Redeemer Mutator
PS3 Download for Nyan Cat Redeemer Mutator

Weapon - Nyan Cat Redeemer

This is a collaboration with Bi()ha2ard and Azurescorch. The idea was simple, turn the Redeemer in Unreal Tournament 3 into a Nyan Cat. Azurescorch had the original idea, and both myself and Bi() helped out to fix materials, HUD's and scripts.

Overnight it had quickly become the most viewed video on my Youtube page and widely noticed on the internet due to Reddit, Kotaku and Razer

Thanks to euchreplayer23 for providing the PS3 cook.

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